Strong After Birth | Postpartum Fitness & Body Image Support for Christian Moms

Scar Care for C-Section Mamas with Dr. Kiri Kiri Krishingner, PT, DPT, PPCES

Coach Laura Lindahl Episode 93

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As a C-section mama, I know the subtle struggles that can come with having a baby delivered through your abdomen. It can feel like you're broken but kinda mended. Fragile, but strong. And, your movement may never feel the same. Maybe you can relate? 

That's why I partnered with Dr. Kiri Krishinger to bring you some simple, effective, and powerful strategies that you can use to heal your C-section scar whether you're 10 days postpartum or 10 years postpartum from a place of love and respect for your body. 

Get ready to feel FREE to move again in a way you didn't know you could! 

Next Steps: 

Watch Kiri's C-Section Scar Massage Tutorial 

Follow Kiri on Instagram 

I pray this blesses you!

In His Strength,
Laura Lindahl